Modern landfills are an essential element in today’s integrated waste management infrastructure.

ALOA members receive and safely manage the disposal of almost three quarters of the waste landfilled in Australia.

Since its inception ALOA has defended the interests of it members in national and state issues. In particular ALOA has campaigned for fairer treatment under the ‘carbon’ tax and for changes to the NGER determination.


ALOA’s Response on the Landfill Method Reforms Options

June 4, 2024
ALOA submitted a response to the Landfill Method Reforms Options. In summary we recommended: Acceptance of Option 1 that increase...
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ALOA calls for NSW EPA to reconsider its partial Waste Levy waiver

May 24, 2024
ALOA has called on the NSW EPA to reconsider its partial Waste Levy waiver in natural  disaster circumstances to truly...
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Victorian Review of Landfill BPEM

December 22, 2023
Letter from EPA Vic to ALOA regarding the Review of Landfills BPEM READ THE LETTER
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Chair’s Address

November 16, 2023
CHAIR’S ADDRESS - ALOA AGM 2023 Welcome to the Australian Landfill Owners Association’s (ALOA) fifteenth Annual General Meeting. ALOA stands...
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Member feedback sought on Emissions Avoidance Methods and Method Reform

October 27, 2023
ALOA is engaging with the Emissions Reduction Division of the Carbon Crediting Branch of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment...
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Contemporary Landfill Issues – Webinar 15 November 2023

October 11, 2023
Join us for our annual modern landfill webinar on  ON: Wednesday 15 November from 10 am- 12.30pm VIA: Zoom FREE...
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Notice of 2023 AGM and Call for Nominations

October 3, 2023
Notice of 2023 Annual General Meeting and Call for NominationsAustralian Landfill  Owners Association Ltd (ACN 126 573 779) The Annual General...
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Contemporary Landfill Issues – Call for Papers

September 2, 2023
The landfill industry faces more challenges than ever before, with emerging new technologies and increasing compliance as we head towards...
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Operational purpose deductions from the waste levy

May 27, 2023
Join letter sent to the NSW EPA from ALOA and The Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association of Australia (WMRR)...
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NGERS Amendements Submission

April 28, 2023
ALOA made another submission to the Department of Industry Science and Resources on the proposed NGERS amendements. NGERS Submission
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NGERS Submission

March 13, 2023
ALOA has made a submission to provide feedback on the proposed NGERS amendments, seeking to assist landfill operators as well...
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Submission on Draft Landfill Licensing Guidelines & the EPA’s Response

March 2, 2023
ALOA's  letter HERE  EPA's response HERE ALOA made a submission to the EPA VIC, providing comment on the current Landfill Licensing...
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ALOA’s response to Draft Safeguard Mechanism Reforms

March 2, 2023
Under the prosed Safeguard Mechanism reforms, ALOA submits that the 75% collection efficiency cap built into NGERS has the effect of...
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Release of exposure draft legislation – Safeguard Mechanism

February 1, 2023
An exposure draft of the Safeguard Mechanism Legislation Amendment (2023 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2023 is available for consultation on the...
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NSW Climate Change Policy and Action Plan 2023-26

January 20, 2023
  The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has released it Climate Change Policy and Action Plan 2023-26.   You can find a copy HERE...
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