Chair’s Address

2024 AGM – Tuesday 12 November

Daniel Fyfe, ALOA Chair

Welcome to the Australian Landfill Owners Association’s (ALOA) sixteenth AnnualGeneral Meeting.

ALOA continues to stand as the only association dedicated to representing the interests of Australian landfills and their significant role in the country’s waste management sector. Our commitment to advocacy continues is aimed solely aimed at advancing the industry.

Throughout the 2023/24, ALOA has continued to champion the interests of our members and the industry, engaging with governmental across all levels to address industry issues.

Our efforts have included:

  • Undertaking member consultation and making numerous submissions with regards to the Safeguard Mechanism and NGERs.
  • Consulting with members and making submissions in response to the ACCU Landfill Gas Methods and proposed reforms.
  • Consulting and making submissions to the EPA VIC, providing comment on the current waste levies and allowable rebate claims.
  • Regular meetings with state regulators and EPAs to represent member views and issues.
  • Engaged with the Emissions Reduction Division of the Carbon Crediting Branch of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water in relation to Emissions Avoidance Methods and Method Reform to help improve the Department’s understanding of our sector.
  • Daniel Fyfe and retired CEO Colin Sweet participated in numerous working groups, include the EPA Sector Consultation Group and the Waste and Recycling Sector Consultation Group to represent the Landfill industry.
  • In addition to this I (Daniel Fyfe) presented at a landfill Conference in Italy for the second time.

The State Chapters continue to represent members’ views on state-based issues.  I would like to thank our State Chapter Chairs:

  • NSW – Colin Sweet
  • WA – Marcus Geisler
  • SA – Brad Lemmon
  • Victoria – Daniel Fyfe
  • National issues – Elle McIntosh

The ALOA Board

The ALOA Board is comprised of a dedicated group of members and stakeholders who have worked hard on behalf of members and the industry.  The board meets quartlery to identify, debate and advocate on key industry issues.

I would like to thank the following Directors who served in 2023/24:

  • Wayde Peterson (Shellharbour City Council)
  • Elle McIntosh (Partner, Norton Rose)
  • Marcus Geisler (EMRC)
  • Bradley Lemmon (ResourceCo)
  • Colin Sweet (retired CEO)
  • Daniel Fyfe

Directors for the year ahead

On 30 June 2024 Colin Sweet retired from his roles as CEO and Director / Secretary of ALOA. We extend our sincere thanks to Colin for his tenure and hard work at ALOA.Colin was appointed CEO of ALOA in May 2017 and was also one of the original founding members of ALOA.  Coming into this AGM we had five directors

  1. Daniel Fyfe
  2. Brad Lemmon
  3. Wayde Peterson
  4. Elle McIntosh
  5. Marcus Geisler

Both Brad Lemmon and my two-year terms were due to expire at this AGM.With Colin’s departure and the two expiring terms there was a call for up to 4 Directors to be elected to the board.  Three nominations were received from myself, Brad and Meldina Khelic from Cleanaway.

As the number of nominations did not exceed the number of vacant positions, the three nominees have been deemed elected. I am pleased to say that Brad Lemmon and I will continue on the board for another two-year term and Meldina Khleic will commence her inaugural two-year term.

Wayde Peterson continues to serve the second year of his two-year term.

Marcus Geisler was appointed as a skills-based Director in October 2024 following the announcement of his retirements from EMRC.Under the ALOA Constitution only staff working for full member organisations are eligible to be elected.  As Marcus will no longer be working for a member organistion he has been appointed as a director based on his skill and expertise.

Nicole Donegan has also been appointed as Company Secretary effective 1 July 2024.Nicole has been working with ALOA since inception and effectively performing this role for 16 years.

Meeting Structure Change

This year to enable our meetings to be more inclusive, ALOA has changed its meeting structure.

We now hold a monthly member meeting that all members are welcome to attend, where we provide state updates and discuss issues facing members.  This format is proving effective for member and enabling us to gain more insight into member issue so we can advocate on behalf of landfill operators.

Our Board meetings are now held quarterly to manage governance and compliance issues. Board Directors attend both meetings.

On behalf of all ALOA members, I would like to thank my fellow Directors and our retired CEO Colin Sweet for their work during 2023/24.  We look forward to your continued membership and support to enable this important organisation to grow and thrive.

Thank you

Daniel Fyfe
Australian Landfill Owners Association

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