ALOA AGM Tuesday 12 November 2024

Australian Landfill  Owners Association Ltd (ACN 126 573 779)

The Annual General Meeting of the members of the Australian Landfill Owners Association Ltd will be held:
On:   Tuesday 12 November 2024 at 3pm
Via:  Zoom

Meeting Agenda

  1. Open meeting and record attendance
  2. Apologies and record proxies
  3. Chair’s report
  4. Receive and approve 2023 AGM Minutes
  5. Receive and consider the financial statements for the 2023-24 financial year
  6. Ordinary Resolution to change the ALOA Constitution to reduce the number of Directors.
  7. General business
  8. Meeting close

Nicole Donegan GAICD, Company Secretary

Appendix 1 – Information for Members

  1. Members are entitled to attend and vote at the meeting pursuant to Section 13 of the Constitution.
  2. A Member may appoint one proxy only, and that proxy is entitled to vote. A proxy has the same right as the member to speak and vote at the meeting. A proxy need not be a member.
  3. The document appointing a proxy must be in writing signed by the appointer or the appointer’s attorney duly authorised in writing. Proxy documents are to be sent by email to the Company Secretary to
  4. The document appointing a proxy and the power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed must be received by the Company Secretary by 5pm AEDT AEDT Monday 11 November 2024.
  5. The Chair of the Annual General Meeting may require a person acting as a proxy to provide sufficient evidence to the Chair that the person is the person nominated as the proxy. If this person does not provide that evidence the chair may exclude that person from voting.
  6. If a Member executes or proposes to sign a document or to act by or through an attorney, the Member must produce to ALOA for noting the document appointing the attorney; and (if required) send to ALOA a copy of the document which is to be retained by ALOA. ALOA may on the first production of that document of appointment of an attorney and from time to time subsequently require any evidence as it thinks fit that the document of appointment of attorney is effective and current.
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