Chair’s 2021 Address

Daniel Fyfe, Chair

ALOA Chair, Daniel Fyfe provides an overview of key activities undertaken by ALOA over the last 12 months.

The Australian Landfill Owners Association’s (ALOA) has been operating for more than thirteen years, with our members accepting more than half of the waste landfilled in Australia and providing safe disposal services to the general public, local government, industry, mining and agriculture.

2020/21 continued to be a challenging year for both the landfill industry and all Australians, with the Covid pandemic and lockdowns persisting.

Despite the challenges, ALOA has continued to actively represent our members and the industry, working with all levels of government on key industry issues.  Our activity has included:

  • Influencing the gazetted version of the ERF method that allows operators of existing landfill gas projects that generate electricity to earn carbon credits.
    “The announcement from Minister Taylor was another example of the landfill industry working together with Government to achieve an outcome which is of benefit to the environment and will encourage further investment in such landfill gas collection and electricity generation projects.”
  • Submission to oppose WestGate Tunnel Regulations.
  • Advocated to change to Victorian Landfill Levy Rates.
  • Sought guidance from EPA Vic on proof of compliance.
  • Supported multiple disposal options.
  • Advised EPA Vic on anomalies in PFAS regulations.
  • Made a submission on capture methods for emissions from landfill.
  • Submission made on the Victorian Recycling Review.
  • Submission made on the Queensland End of Waste Code.
  • Significant work in relation the Safeguard Mechanism, including:
    • Submission on the Safeguard Mechanism exposure draft.
    • Submissions on the Safeguard Crediting Mechanism.
  • Submission on draft operating landfill license conditions in Victoria.
  • Submission to EPA Vic on calculating waste levy and the allowable rebate claim.
  • Submissions at national and state levels to call for a Landfill Community Fund across all states.
  • ALOA also developed and issued:
    • A Procedural Fairness Statement
    • Ash from waste incinerators policy

We attended ERF co-designed workshops, met with Ministers and launched a new category of Associate Membership to broaden our membership base.  We would like to thank and welcome Goldsmith for their membership.

The State Chapters have continued to represent members’ views on state-based issues.  Thanks to our State Chapter Chairs:

  • NSW – Colin Sweet
  • Queensland – Richard Taylor
  • WA – Marcus Geisler
  • SA – Jim Fairweather
  • Victoria – Daniel Fyfe

ALOA CEO Colin Sweet and State Chapters have engaged with respective governments and regulatory bodies.

The ALOA Board

The ALOA Board is comprised of a dedicated group of members who have worked hard on behalf of members and the industry.  The board meets monthly to identify, debate and advocate on key industry issues.  I would like to thank the following Directors who served in 2020/21:

  • Richard Taylor (Ti Tri Bioenergy)
  • Wayde Peterson (Shellharbour City Council)
  • Noni Shannon (Partner, Norton Rose)
  • Marcus Geisler (EMRC)
  • Ziggy Shlemon (Blue Mountains City Council)

Directors for the year ahead

The term for an elected director is two years.  This year the two-year term expired for Wayde Peterson.  In line with the ALOA Constitution, we had a call for nominations and received two suitable nominations.

I am pleased to advise the re-election of Wayde Peterson (Shellharbour City Council) and the first time election of Marcus Geisler (EMRC).  Marcus is now an elected director. He was previously a skills based director appointed by the board.

On behalf of all ALOA members, I would like to thank my fellow Directors and our CEO Colin Sweet for all of their work during 2020/21.  We look forward to your continued membership and support to enable this important organisation to grow and thrive.

Thank you
Daniel Fyfe
Australian Landfill Owners Association

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