PFAS NEMP 2.0 I Consultation dates

Consultation on Draft of Version 2 of the PFAS National Environmental Management Plan

The PFAS National Environmental Management Plan (NEMP) was published in February 2018 following agreement by all Australian Environment Ministers. The Heads of EPAs (HEPA) National Chemicals Working Group (NCWG) has been working since to clarify and expand on the guidance in the NEMP. This updating work is consistent with the commitment by HEPA that the NEMP will be a living document. A comprehensive review of the PFAS NEMP will be undertaken in 2023.

Material in the NEMP 2.0 for consultation includes:

  • Updates to the soil criteria included in PFAS NEMP version 1, to ensure that criteria are appropriate for Australian conditions (these include changes to the human health residential soil criterion and to the land use categories for the ecological indirect soil criterion)
  • Extensive new guidance on the reuse of soil, including a decision tree to be applied in consultation with the regulator
  • Initial guidance on management of PFAS in wastewater, including trade waste, to be further developed in consultation with the water industry. This guidance includes an example water utility PFAS management framework, and
  • New on-site storage and containment guidance for PFAS-containing products and materials.

Stakeholders are invited to consider and provide feedback on the aspects of the NEMP that are either new or significantly revised. To facilitate this, the text that has changed from version 1 of the PFAS NEMP is shown in version 2 of the draft NEMP with a coloured background. There are two categories of changes which are highlighted:

  • new or significantly amended material – feedback is invited on these changes
  • editorial revisions to more clearly communicate the original intention of the NEMP text are shown for information – these changes are not subject to consultation.

Version 2 of the draft NEMP is available at the following links:

The consultation schedule

The current schedule for consultation is:

Location – city Date and time Venue RSVP
Hobart Wednesday 20 March
10.00 am – 11.30 am
Lands Building
6th Floor Conference Room
134 Macquarie Street
RSVP by COB Monday 18 March via email:
Melbourne Thursday 21 March
10.00 am – 11.30 am
Ibis Hotel
Victoria Room
15-21 Therry Street Melbourne
RSVP via email:
Adelaide Friday 22 March
10.00 am – 11.30 am
Pilgrim Centre
12 Flinders Street
RSVP via Eventbrite
Perth Thursday 28 March
10.00 am – 11.30 am
DWER Head Office
8 Davidson Terrace
RSVP by Monday 25 March via email:
Brisbane Tuesday 2 April
10.00 am – 11.30 am
Park Regis North Quay
293 North Quay
RSVP via Eventbrite
Darwin Wednesday 3 April
2.00 pm – 3.30 pm
NT EPA Office
Level 1 Arnhemica House
16 Parap Road
RSVP by COB Friday 29 March via email:
Canberra Tuesday 9 April
2.30 pm – 4.00 pm
Dame Pattie Menzies House
Ground Floor Conference Room
12 Challis Street
RSVP details TBA
Sydney Wednesday 10 April
10.00 am – 11.30 am
Mitchell Theatre
Sydney Mechanics School of Art
280 Pitt Street
RSVP online
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