Chair’s Address – 2019 AGM

ALOA AGM – Monday 19 November 2019

Welcome to the Australian Landfill Owners Association’s (ALOA) eleventh Annual General Meeting.

Our landfill members accept three quarters of the waste landfilled in Australia and provide safe disposal services to the general public, local government, industry, mining and agriculture.

It’s been a busy year for ALOA, actively advocating on behalf of members, making representations and meeting with all levels of government on a range of issues including:

  • Proposed regulations and environment reference standards
  • PFAS Nemp2
  • Qld Resource Recovery Road map and action plan (Energy from Waste)
  • ERF -Carbon Credits Methodology Determination Variation
  • The Landfill Gas Method
  • Inquiry in Recycling and Waste Management (Victoria)
  • Safeguard Mechanism
  • Landfill Levy (Queensland)
  • Draft Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy (Queensland)
  • Proposed regulations and environment reference standards (Victoria)

The State Chapters have undertaken projects to represent members’ views on state-based issues.  Thanks to our current and former State Chapter Chairs:

  • NSW – Phil Carbins
  • Queensland – Richard Taylor
  • WA – Eugene Olman
  • SA – Colin Sweet
  • Victoria – Daniel Fyfe

ALOA CEO Colin Sweet and State Chapters have engaged with respective governments and regulatory bodies on key issues including:

  • Waste Reform
  • Environmental standards
  • Levies
  • New reporting and waste levy requirements

ALOA continues to advocate on behalf of members and making positive inroads.  We are being taken seriously – as demonstrated by the fact that CEO Colin Sweet was quoted on the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald regarding the shortage of landfills in the Sydney CBD.

The ALOA Board works hard on behalf of members, meeting monthly to discuss and progress key industry issues.  I would like to thank the following elected Directors who served in 2018/19 and will continue to serve in 2019/20:

  • Phil Carbins (SUEZ)
  • Daniel Fyfe (Hanson
  • John Jones (SUEZ)
  • Richard Taylor (Ti Tri Bioenergy)
  • Wayde Peterson (Shellharbour City Council)

I would also like to thank Noni Shannon (Partner, Norton Rose) who continues to provide important legal perspective as our skill based director.  Skill based directors are appointed by the board each year.

I would also like to thank our Directors who served for a portion of 2018/19:

  • Darren North (Newcastle City Council), who resigned in February 2019 after leaving Council;
  • Mark Taylor (Veolia) who moved to a different position within his organisation.

I thank them both for their service and contribution to ALOA.

This year after a call for nominations I am pleased to announce that Wayde Peterson from Shellharbour City Council has been re-elected.

I would also like to take this opportunity to advise the I am stepping down as Chair of the ALOA Board.  I have held this position since December 2014.  I have made this decision based on the fact that I have taken a different role within SUEZ.  My successor will be elected at the Board meeting following this AGM.  I wish them well.  I will continue to serve on the board as a Director and immediate past Chair.

On behalf of all ALOA members, I would like to thank my fellow Directors and our CEO Colin Sweet for all of their work during 2018/19.

Thank you

Phil Carbins
Australian Landfill Owners Association\

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