ALOA’s Position on Ash from Waste Incinerators, Energy from Waste Facilities or Waste to Energy Facilities:
- Incinerators produce ash as a residue from combusted waste materials. Broadly speaking, ash is divided into two classifications – Incinerator Bottom Ash or Flue Gas Treatment Ash.
- Bottom Ash is generally 15% to 25% by weight of the waste to be incinerated and Flue Gas Treatment Ash is generally 10% to 20% of the Bottom Ash.
- Landfills offer a long term, environmentally safe option for the disposal and long-term containment of incinerator ash as long as the ash is appropriately classified according to the relevant waste classification protocol and is disposed of at an appropriately licenced landfill.
- At all times, Bottom Ash and Flue Gas Treatment Ash should be handled and disposed of in an environmentally safe manner.
- Beneficial reuse should only be considered for activities that do not release contaminants to the environment in an uncontrolled manner.
October 13, 2020
Colin Sweet CEO