Daniel Fyfe, ALOA Chair
Monday 16 November 2020, via Zoom
Welcome to the Australian Landfill Owners Association’s (ALOA) twelfth Annual General Meeting.
Our members accept more than half of the waste landfilled in Australia and provide safedisposal services to the general public, local government, industry, mining and agriculture.
As I’m sure you will agree, 2019/20 will go down in history as year like no other, with COVID-19literally changing everything we do and how we work. It has been a busy year for ALOA, as wehave continued to actively represent our members and the industry, working with all levels ofgovernment on key industry issues including:
- PFAS National Environment Protection Measure (NEPM)
- The Queensland Resource Recovery Road Map
- Energy from Waste Qld
- Victoria’s draft Regulations on the Environment Reference Standards
- Questioning the Liberal’s proposed energy from waste scheme
- Advocating to all state, territory and federal ministers in response to COVID-19restrictions, calling for the Landfill industry to be considered an essential
- 20 Year Waste Strategy in NSW
- Challenging the deviations from published waste policy in the EPA Victoria TunnelSpoil Regulations
We also made the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald, with CEO Colin Sweet commentingon waste in Sydney. I was also fortunate to be able to make a contribution as a member of theVictorian Waste Industry Alliance.
The State Chapters have continued to represent members’ views on state-based issues. Thanksto our State Chapter Chairs:
- NSW – Phil Carbins
- Queensland – Richard Taylor
- WA – Eugene Olman
- SA – Colin Sweet
- Victoria – myself
ALOA CEO Colin Sweet and State Chapters have engaged with respective governments andregulatory bodies on key issues including:
- Waste Reform
- Environmental standards
- Levies
- New reporting requirements
- COVID issues
Membership is the key foundation of ALOA. It is only with member support that we can representthe issues impacting the landfill industry, which I’m sure you will agree, is an important role that theindustry relies on.
As the only independent industry association representing landfill, we provide informed,practical and unbiased support to the industry.
In 2020 we have introduced a new category of membership to allow organisations (who supportand service the industry) an opportunity to join. We also have an increased focus on Councilmembership and invite Councils to support the industry and join ALOA.
The ALOA Board
The ALOA Board is comprised of a dedicated group of members who have worked hard onbehalf of members and the industry. The board meets monthly to identify, debate and advocateon key industry issues. I would like to thank the following Directors who served in 2019/20:
- Phil Carbins (SUEZ)
- John Jones (SUEZ)
- Richard Taylor (Ti Tri Bioenergy)
- Wayde Peterson (Shellharbour City Council)
- Daniel Fyfe (Hanson)
- Noni Shannon (Partner, Norton Rose)
Changing the guard
The term for an elected director is two years. This year the two-year term has expired formyself, John Jones and Richard Taylor. Phil Carbins terms has also expired as theimmediate Past Chair.
In line with the ALOA Constitution, to fill the vacating positions we had a call for nominations.We received three suitable nominations.
As the number of nominations is equal to the number of vacant positions, the Constitution states thatno formal member vote is required, and the nominees are deemed to be elected. Each will standfor a period of two years, at which time they are at liberty to stand for re-election.
I am pleased to announce the re-election of the following directors:
- Richard Taylor (Ti Tri Bionenergy)
- myself (Daniel Fyfe, Hanson).
I am also pleased to welcome a new director to the board, Ziggy Shlemon from the BlueMountains City Council.
I would like to sincerely thank our two retiring directors, John Jones and Phil Carbins.
- John Jones has served on the board for the last four
- Phil Carbins has served on the board for eight years, since 2012. From 2014 – 2019 he also served as ALOA Chair and NSW Chapter Chair. His contribution is greatly appreciated and
On behalf of all ALOA members, I would like to thank my fellow Directors and our CEO Colin Sweet for all of their work during 2019/20. We look forward to your continued membership and support toenable this important organisation to grow and thrive.
Thank you
Daniel Fyfe
Australian Landfill Owners Association
View the full AGM minutes here