Safeguard Mechanism – Response to Submissions paper for feedback

ALOA’s has received a request from the Safeguard and Industry Policy Division of The Department of Industry Sciences to seek member feedback on the attached consultation paper attached.  

Please forward your feedback to ALOA

See the Response to Submissions paper here.  Context of the feedback sought is outlined below.

From: Conrad Buffier, Manager Safeguard & Industrial Policy │ Climate Change Division
Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources

Following consultation with the landfill sector in February and March, we have prepared the attached Response to Submissions paper to:

a) respond to views put forward in submissions,

b) provide the sector with the actual gas capture rate under Option 2 (noting the February consultation paper used a range),

c) provide the sector with the advice we have received from GHD on the accuracy of the calculation of the gas capture rate, and

d) set out next steps.

Next steps are for the Department to prepare exposure draft legislation to set the prescribed capture efficiency rate in the Safeguard Rule, and for the Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction to consider releasing the draft legislation for public consultation. This will provide you and your members, as well as other interested parties, the ability to engage on this issue again through a formal public submission process, should they wish. Submissions on the exposure draft legislation will be published on the Department’s website following the consultation process. After consultation on the exposure draft legislation, the Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction will be able to make a determination regarding the setting of the value in the Safeguard Rule.

We are not seeking responses to this Response to Submissions Paper, but we’re happy to engage with you or any of your members on it as needed.

I would be grateful if you could circulate the attached Response to Submissions Paper to your members and interested parties, as you kindly did with the February consultation paper.

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